Thank you for the release!
Prince Narcissist said something good for once! The emperor's behaviour
is disgusting.
About the glove thing, the translator's note is incorrect: the custom originated in Western
Antiquity (it occurs in the
Æneid (Book 5, if you're curious), so at least 1st century BC), although it was then a means of accepting a challenge, as opposed to issuing one, by throwing gauntlets or boxing gloves into the ring. By the fifteenth century, it had become a means of issuing a challenge in knightly behaviour, in the form of throwing gauntlets at the intended opponent, especially for duels involving offended honour, and picking up the gauntlet meant accepting the duel (the author/artist did a really good job here). Gauntlets were eventually replaced by gloves, however, there was no other change (technically, gauntlets would still work, rather the custom came to include all hand coverings). The custom only fell out of practice once duelling was outlawed (although it is
still used at times to issue challenges and non-lethal duels, as it is here). It's a European custom and was
never limited to the British Isles, let alone England and Wales (where Elizabeth I reigned). In case anyone was wondering where the expression of "throw down the gauntlet" came from, now you know.
The artist messed up in the panel with the red panda background (it's a common mistake in webtoons): red pandas and lagomorphs (rabbits, hares, and pikas)
all lack paw pads (it makes them even cuter, too).