Konaide Kounotori - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Conditions of Marriage

Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
So they rushed to get married without talking more about it? :pepela: lmoa. At least we learned now the kid in chapter 1 isnt his, and "fortunately" the single mom work colleague is an asshole as well trying to homewreck, not sure if shes just after the money or really wanting a good father for the kid. So far dude is oblivious on whats in motion now.

Also, anyone else getting duplicated page on long strip mode (or just any mode)?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
Oh what a suprise, a cliché of homewrecker
can't we just have a story about a man who want kids ( and doesn't really realize how hard it is to raise kids and that spending his life at work to avoid them is not the right solution ) and a women who doesn't ( and don't need to be heavily traumatized to justify why she don't want any of, just '' i don't want kids'' should be enough ) ?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
Author is clearly a master at subtlety and complex characterization :lul:

I'm quite disappointed in this new character's introduction since she feels very one-dimensional. Now perhaps the author has plans to make her more sympathetic in the long run, but making her so overtly evil right at the start is just a hard swerve from the intriguing, contemplative tone this series started with.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Wow. I started reading this manga in just one go! Well, i already understand the two central problems, i understand the social context and i can try to guess where it will end (in a drama lol). That's not for me, normies aren't my thing~:shamihuh:
Thanks for the tl~
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Author is clearly a master at subtlety and complex characterization :lul:

I'm quite disappointed in this new character's introduction since she feels very one-dimensional. Now perhaps the author has plans to make her more sympathetic in the long run, but making her so overtly evil right at the start is just a hard swerve from the intriguing, contemplative tone this series started with.
She didn't strike me as "evil" or one-dimensional. You see, the financial issue is one of the points in this manga, and the chrs are being driven by it (our protagonist fell into despair over it, but our antagonist carried on). The antagonist seems to be a loving but single mother, working to support her son on her own, in an office that makes its employees work overtime, and although she has her eye on a married man, she has chosen one who has clear marital problems, has no children and can earn enough for the three of them~:huh:
~It's all about supply and demand~
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
She didn't strike me as "evil" or one-dimensional. You see, the financial issue is one of the points in this manga, and the chrs are being driven by it (our protagonist fell into despair over it, but our antagonist carried on). The antagonist seems to be a loving but single mother, working to support her son on her own, in an office that makes its employees work overtime, and although she has her eye on a married man, she has chosen one who has clear marital problems, has no children and can earn enough for the three of them~:huh:
~It's all about supply and demand~
Fair point. "Evil" was the wrong word to use, but I couldn't think of a gentler synonym that had the right nuance. In targeting a married man, she is intentionally choosing to hurt at least one and very likely more innocent bystanders.

Her child being her driving force is the kernel of hope that she will turn out to be a more complex character. But her introduction still feels..ham-fisted at best. Evil grin? check. Villainess hair twirling? check. Nigh-sociopathic obsessive expression when looking at photos of her dear child? also check. If she's going to be a sympathetic character, give us some of those layers at the outset instead.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
I don't care what you fools say I'm having a good time (so far).

Everything we've seen so far isn't anything new, groundbreaking, or even particularly nuanced. But I find it to be digestible and all of Eri's worries and concerns are grounded and relatable.

Thank you for the translation.
Active member
Jan 20, 2024
Huh what? Considering this author's previous work I did not expect to see such a cliché trope. This character introduction kinda took away the heaviness of the topic for me. Curious to see how they'll progress this story.
Active member
Aug 26, 2019
if youre going to set up potential rivals at least do so after we can actually remember the husband's name my god... so unserious
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 16, 2018
A cartoon villain really is the last thing this series needed. I dread there's going to be a massive reliance on lack of communication as a means of driving the plot forward. Considering her fixation on his bag, did she plant the divorce papers?

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