"this is something I have always done" yeah sure why not, you freakster not even a week passed but now it's "always"... Even commenting this feels pain in the ass😑
pfftt the girl ended up being a deadweight afterall. But MC really need to partying up and train other people or he'll have to do everything by himself.
Also did the poster above me forgot that he's been stuck in a loop? i think the last time it was mentioned that he has died 15 times during the minotaur arc and he has died dozens of time more after that.
so she talked a big game and then gave up after she died the first time? (yes i know that's her second death but not counting the first as it was instant and she died before she could feel anything)
Does a stampede really stop to munch on a random girl..?
Also, doesn't his status make wolves prone to be more aggressive toward him..? And the lone wolf just escaped? THEY DIDN'T ESCAPE WHEN HE DIDN'T HAVE THIS STATUS