that "let her speak" is already bad enough. I mean she is fishy enough to be taken in custody and be interrogated.
She refused to tell anything before, when it was actually matter, that discussion wasn't for presenting new information, but for discuss already known information.
If she kept that info for herself before that discussion, it's her rights... but in that case she isn't in position to present unpublished info on conference, when she can say whatever the f her sick head can produce.
Yeah, guild master "don't trust" her, but on that case, they have more than enough evidence to accuse her for treason. Take in custody, or atleast kick out of conference is least that they should have done.
There is no way that they can survive as huge organisation, if they deal with that bullshit with such a meek attitude.
I will repeat, it's just usual "evil mastermind shouldn't be stopped just by mob-characters. It's the work for main character" and this is quite disapointing, because the more obvious that made, the more it hurt the quality of the story. Ans in that situation, it just hit rock-bottom, on the level of retardeness.
P.S. I'm telling all of this, mostly because autor could easily escape from those points. Not made her "be silent" before conference for example. It would be much more convincing, and will not hinder progression of the story at all. The problem with this that autor don't see any problem in the first place with how he give us that bullshit story (or else he would have changed it by single sentence), and this show his capability as autor.
Well, it's not like i expected much from him, story wasn't that highclass in the first place, but i considered it as at least something as average and "can be read". Now i actually don't even want to read that, and it make me sad.