Kusunoki-san wa Koukou Debut ni Shippai shite Iru - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Nigga is over reacting cuh. The reaction when looking at beautiful girl eyes because of trauma is reasonable and all but when he started running away when in the class and shouting because of being paranoid pissed me the fuck off.

I mean, if the dude had a mental breakdown just looking at a girl who called him disgusting, it's safe to assume he has other insecurites buried down there too.
I hate him because he's kinda sexist, and extremely dumb. People whispering about you and causing you anguish over misunderstandings is such a stupid way to create drama.

stupid but realistic. Just like High School.

Also, IDK how he's sexist? He's only talked to 2 women so far. Kusonoki who genuinely doesn't understand how people talk, and "talked" to Hebekawa. He doesn't hate women, but meeting two old people while trying to get a fresh start can be frustrating.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2018
Cmon people, author is purposely pissed the reader off with his demeanor. I mean look at him, weak mental, low self esteem, low iq brat, and very expressive.
Changing appearance don't mean shit in most people eyes, he still what he is from the previews school.
The perfect example for this is Hikigaya Hachiman, dude was a chad and able to get into people's head, there's bit cringe in him but for the most part, he is THE madlad handling troublesome retarads in his school.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
stupid but realistic. Just like High School.

Also, IDK how he's sexist? He's only talked to 2 women so far. Kusonoki who genuinely doesn't understand how people talk, and "talked" to Hebekawa. He doesn't hate women, but meeting two old people while trying to get a fresh start can be frustrating.
Not sure what high school you went to, but mine certainly wasn't filled with sociopaths and super models. Just a bunch of awkward teens that didn't give a shit about each other.

And his sexism is how he cannot separate girls as potential romantic partners from just people he can be friends with. Case in point, him holding onto old fashion ideas about what "normal" male and female relationships are supposed to be, and those rules somehow barring him from walking home with a girl he isn't actively trying to screw.
Double-page supporter
Apr 22, 2020
I don't mind the MC being unlikable at the start (I've seen much, much worse), but God this pacing is absurd! These 2 chapter felt like 10, but not in a good "oh damn we're not wasting time" way, more like a "dude chill out let the characters breath" way. The author should slow down and let us see the MCs' relationship develop BEFORE throwing in obstacles. Ah well, maybe it pays off
Dex-chan lover
Sep 24, 2018
I love reading the comments here 😂
eating popcorn🍿🍿
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Active member
Jan 18, 2023
So I can already predict that the black haired girl already likes him and only said those things to her friends to save face (because school hierarchies are vicious). So I'm predicting now that she's going to become a love interest for the MC later, for the all important "Love Triangle".

The MC is really annoying. What was that reaction to seeing the black haired girl? All she did was hurt your feelings, its not like she broke your heart or publicly humiliated you. Its fine if you want to cut someone out of your life, but you don't need to act like a war veteran having an episode.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2019
Not sure what high school you went to, but mine certainly wasn't filled with sociopaths and super models. Just a bunch of awkward teens that didn't give a shit about each other.

And his sexism is how he cannot separate girls as potential romantic partners from just people he can be friends with. Case in point, him holding onto old fashion ideas about what "normal" male and female relationships are supposed to be, and those rules somehow barring him from walking home with a girl he isn't actively trying to screw.
While your viewpoint is certainly healthy and all, I think it's not out of character for him to act like this considering what we know about him. He does not have a lot of experience dealing with girls and also has some trauma from the snake girl. How do you expect a guy like him to get along with the fmc from the start?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Not sure what high school you went to, but mine certainly wasn't filled with sociopaths and super models.

supermodels? we're reading the same manga right? Sociopaths, tho: yes. I unfortunately live in America.

And his sexism is how he cannot separate girls as potential romantic partners from just people he can be friends with.

dunno what high school you went to, but mine LOVED playing matchmaker. He's right to be worried because he wants to keep a low profile and meanwhile he's hanging out with the girl getting the most attention in class.

That's not sexism. He just, in his words, doesn't want to deal with being in the upper caste. Especially when it already happened this chapter where he's getting undue attention due to eaching lunch with her.

A popular dude would cause the same issues, but dudes tend to not directly step on one another to climb the hierarchy. They punch each other. No mental anguish, just physical.
Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2019
expecting the plot twist that the girl with the sharp eyes was doing quasi hate-love tactics or something. if she was just being mean then i'd be a bit surprised, and if the author doesn't make her into a cliche villain character then i'd be more shocked and be hooked just for that alone.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
Very cheap writing, almost no build up, and now we already getting all this trope that usually happened way far in a story

Also I think that getting that conscious over the "social caste" is pretty cringe, hopefully that's gonna be one of his development

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