Level 596 no Tanya Minarai - Ch. 16

Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
Why is it so hard for these types of stories to write remotely likeable main characters? Or like ones who just kinda act like people completely infuriating while at the same time boring and bland.

Also, lmao there's so much exposition and lore given this chapter (only about a third of which is relevant) and the father and son duo had zero reaction to all of it. Just the whole time staring with the blankest face like they're elementary school kids zoning out in class. And this was apparently highly classified "puts our entire species in danger" information 😂. The dad didn't even act like he really cared when he was straight up told "Yeah, I'm pretty sure the freaking fire dragon queen divine beast fancies your barely in the double digits son" 😂.

Seriously when there's just text of info dumps like this I wonder like just why? Might as well have shown me a single still picture and had a paragraph under it. Kinda disappointing though cuz this seemed like a great moment between major scenes to characterize the cast. Also I was kinda hoping we'd come out of that lore dumping with Noah realizing his position and adding a more clear goal. Like becoming a blacksmith worthy enough of marry her or becoming an adventurer tamer worthy enough of her or something. This story still lacks clear drive. As of its just kinda felt like things happen and the main cast more or less being reactionary agents as things crop up. Even Noah after the initial "surprise I've been doing these imposible things" has just been going along with what other people are doing or whatever happens.

I mean it just begs the question of why am I reading this Manga? Why does it want to be read? This is a story about... what?

Also to any poor soul who read all this, wouldn't it be just awful if I dumped it onto a page in tiny text on speech bubbled with still repeated frames of people being expressionless and barely moving in reaction to what I'm saying? 🫤
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2023
So I take it Noah is seeing that the queen fancies her butler guy instead of himself. Though it could just as easily be him with him being a bit naive I think she has the father complex thing going on and the dragons don't think of that

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