LF A villainess manga who is exiled by her country and came back as a mercenary upon the country request?

Dex-chan lover
Dec 4, 2019
Either I imagined it, there was a manga with a falsely accused vilainess who become a mercenary/adventurer and is asked a decade or so latter by same country to help them.
She shun the country pretty heavily, insult them a lot and makes it clear she will only help because of the contract and will only do what the contract say.
It also involved a delusioned "heroine" who believe she's in a game world.

It might be only a ln/wn and I have good imagination, it might be a dream I had (would be great dream), but does this manga exist and if so, could someone post the name/link to it?
Apr 18, 2019
Ahh.. I think i ever read something like that too. Most likely a wn, I still vaguely remember the annoying 'heroine', the good for nothing prince, and the king who cares nothing but himself(he also think anything can be solved with money).

But sorry i don't think I even remember the title QvQ)
I'm not even sure if its the same wn/ln/manga u search.
I read too many ln/wn seriously, and I remember I only read few ch of it before pass on to read other wn then complety forgot abt it. Though I would love to read it again if I know the title
Mar 19, 2019
This might be the series you're talking about; it's the only one that I know with your description, "The Magnificent Battle Records of a Former Noble Lady."


It doesn't have a manga adaptation (that I know of) but I hope this might be what you're looking for.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 4, 2019
Yes, that's the one!
Also, sorry for the delayed reply, I assumed I would get notification of it (but didn't).
Aug 7, 2019
yeah, I think you have to do @Le_Flemard to get notifications. I can't find any settings that will provide settings for responses in threads you have posted or the ability to follow a thread. I've overlooked responses before until I went back to the thread. I wish there was a way to follow or get notifications since we can't search posts or get a list of user posts.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 4, 2019
I think a good way to do it would be like forums usually do: thread subscription
If you are the creator of a thread, it's on by default, but even while replying, there would be a checkbox that would allow you to be notified of further replies (or not).

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