
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
I remember reading this, and this is one of my all-time favorites. Just a very powerful story with a very powerful ending, the best ending possible for a tragedy like this.
Group Leader
Jul 9, 2018
I guess it's an decent time waster, just don't expect anything great mystery wise.
-Some leads are stuff only MC would known of. Like some time capsule he buried with his daughter when she was a lil brat. Coincidentally it had a drawing of the landscape a day before her disappearance. What a stroke of luck!

-His first try to guess where she stayed before visiting the museum (youth hotel) was right on the mark. I dunno but love hotels let you stay the night, she could have slept outside, stayed the night on a restaurant or who knows, there are so many possibilities but they never came to MC's mind and yet he got it on his first try.

-Said drawing had a blue colored weird shape . MC's first thought is :"this is a car!" Runs to the spot, somehow this spot looks as if a car could fit, the grass is crushed and everything, even when there's no proof this spot is used frequently and if it wasn't the grass should have regrown a long time ago.

-MC talked multiple times about how estranged from his daughter he was, to the point of not recognizing her when her friends spoke about her. Yet he was so sure about the fact that she would have never ridden a stranger's car, 0 skepticism (This baseless conjecture could have been bypassed if the ring woman testified since she said the man accompanying her was MC's acquaintance). It would have been nice seeing MC struggling with the idea of his daughter not being the same person he thought he knew just be reassured later on.

-There's no notion of time, you have no idea how much time each action takes. You don't know how look it took mc to contact the youth house visitors. How long it took the police to scan the area and find trail of the car after the murder, how long it took them to find the company badge. You just know at one moment MC is doing research and some chapters later the time limit is almost expired. So you don't know how much time has passed till the the cop says "THE LIMIT IS TODAY AT MIDNIGHT!!".

-There's also the postcard, we only see it once before it is brought back as a plot device by mentioning the date it was sent.

-There's also the deciphering of those weird drawings the daughter did on the car. One looks like a tree and it was interpreted as 3 scratches without any lead and the numbers were a ridiculous asspull that implied the daughter had the radio with her all the time, there's no proof of it at all. How did MC deduce it was stock market averages? What kid listens to that shit and writes it as a way of recording the date? Wouldn't it have been easier to just write the date? She has a fucking radio, she knew what the date was. This was just some overcomplicated shit for the sake of the final gotcha moment.
Nov 17, 2020
Art style not for everyone, but you get used to it.

Start is pretty poop finding the most shitty clues (like omg she definitely stayed at a hotel)

Afterwards the first initial investigation like (chapters after ch. 14 or ch.17) shit gets real good,

I recommend this to anyone who just wants a lil read.

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