I tried to find if someone had done a reading order, but all i could find was a publishing order. This is the sort of thing that puts of comics readers, tons and tons of backstories that no one has any idea about and if you miss one you might be missing out important plot points. at least theres a Baki reading order cause on TL group took the time to do it, same deal with GTO and its previous stories and sequels.
The Grey Witch (灰色の魔女 Haiiro no Majo) 3 volumes, art by Yoshihiko Ochi
The Demon of Flame (炎の魔神 Honō no Majin) 2 volumes, art by Ayumi Saito
The Lady of Pharis (ファリスの聖女 Farisu no Seijo) 2 volumes, art by Akihiro Yamada
Chronicles of the Heroic Knight (英雄騎士伝 Eiyū Kishi-den) 6 volumes, art by Masato Natsumoto
Welcome to Lodoss Island (ようこそロードス島へ! Yōkoso Rōdosu-tō e!) 3 volumes, four panel manga, art by Hyakuyashiki Rei
Deedlit's Tale (ディードリット物語 Dīdoritto Monogatari) 2 volumes, art by Setsuko Yoneyama
Legend of Crystania (レジェンド・オブ・クリスタニア はじまりの冒険者たち) 3 volumes, art by Akira Himekawa
The Grey Witch (灰色の魔女 Haiiro no Majo) 3 volumes, art by Tomomasa Takuma