Looking for a manga I can't find

Jul 5, 2018
Hello everyone!

I'm new here, so happy to meet you all!

Well let's dig in. I'm looking for a manga that I read about like 2 or 3 years ago (at least), but I don't remember the name and I can't find it even with the search options here (I tried other sites as well)

Here is the story :

In a world where there is monsters since a catastrophic events some years ago, a school boy lives a normal life. The monsters came in and out for no reason at the beginign. They are human eater and looks like giant ugly earthworm with a big mouth that can swallow a Human. In the world after the monsters came in, people started to get regenerative power. The boy has the best regenerative power known as he can even regrow his face if it's half eaten. There is an agency specialised in hunting monsters as well...

Well that's mostly what I remembered.
Hope to find it with all your help!

Have fun!

Sry for my english, not first language :p
Jul 5, 2018
I found it on mangaupdates with help of tags : Reversi (Eun Song) for the ones interested :)

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