@unknownids For good reason. She's fucking annoying with that grown-up attitude. I rather have a comic based on the black-haired girl. Let us see her adventures
@Randomizer It's not that he's grown up. It is the fact that he is a kid. He doesn't know a damn thing about adult problems. Love, sex, image, none of that matters to him. Whatever FMC is drinking is accelerating her thought process. Or she's watching grown-up shit and is taking too much consideration over a crush. Quite infuriating
@Xxjuggernaut uh yeah, that's how puberty is. You feel all grown up and get excited to try out all these grown up things like falling in love or whatever, and since it's all so new to you you end up being kinda dumb like she is. It literally says in the description that she's a 4th grader, aka 10 years old, as in, the natural age for girls to hit puberty so I don't see why you think she's "way too grown up for her age". I guess it's just a difference in expectations, that you really only expected an elementary school manga to be about children being children, when the entire point of the manga is about a girl transitioning out of that stage.