typicall MC japanese Heroine,
who naive, shy, always pent up anything or everything until it's too late, and think : i aM iN dAnGer aNd iT's EmeRgEncY buT i DoN't WaNt tO DiStUrb hIm
I'm...intrigued by her reasoning. If she got sexually assaulted and injured, that's somehow less problematic than if Eddy got summoned from work to take them down in 10 seconds and then take 30 minutes minimum to make sure she gets escorted home safely? C'mon queen, I know you have self esteem issues but let's not somehow rank your actual safety below Eddy missing at most a third of his work day...aren't royal magicians also pledged to protect public safety...
Did not expect this sequel but I appreciate it nonetheless! Thank you for picking this up!😊 @wevvb I know Filimina’s a bit of a doormat at times but what exactly did you hate about it? If you disliked the established relationship, this is the sequel to another manga publication, and it seems to pick up shortly after where the other left off.
Why is she doing house work? They should stinking rich! She’s nobility, why does she have no maids or even an escort? Houses like that took a tone of work to take care of, there’s not enough time in a day for her to do everything her self... and she’s still frustratingly submissive!
Well colour me surprised, I was not expecting this one to continiue on with a different artist!
Glad to see the story back though, while I find the 3rd arc of the novel somewhat... meh, the 4th I really liked <3