[Main Site] Change how the "End" tag/icon is applied to the final chapter in a series.

Feb 4, 2019
Currently the "End" tag appears on the last chapter of a series when both the volume and chapter numbers match the entry fields in the series information. I suggest changing it so that while both fields will remain and be displayed normally in the series info, the function for the "End" tag should only look for the matching chapter number before applying it.

This would primarily go into effect on series that have the final chapter listed under "No Volume", most of the time due to the translation group either not knowing what the final volume number is going to be as it has not been announced yet, or because they aren't using volume-quality RAWs and do not want their work marked as such until they choose to update it with a better version.
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Head Contributor Wrangler
Super Moderator
Jan 18, 2018
This would break titles where chapter numbers reset on a per-volume basis.

In the future we plan to differentiate these so we can use different numbering logic on each, which is why the attribute "chapterNumbersResetOnNewVolume" exists, but for now we have to take the safe route and match both volume and chapter.

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