Monthly in the Garden with My Landlord - Vol. 5 Ch. 28

Jan 31, 2019
Thanks for the translation Kirin.

As I reach into the recesses of my mind to dig out my memory of this manga, I'm reminded of my annoyance at this "a random tabloid article of me! Oh my life is in turmoil and my lover is in danger!" plotline.
I read several explanations on it and in the end I'm left with the same conclusion as always when it comes to the idol industry: The idol industry and most of it's fans are crazy and toxic.

Well at least it looks like we're wrapping up that nonsense real quick with this performance. Although it's giving me vibes that the manga's wrapping things up soon too. Hope I'm imagining it. We still got a lot of side couple stuff with the mangaka and the other idol to expand on.
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
Really not a fan of that drama shit going on right now.. They've just sorted out their feelings just for them get seperated and have no more screentime together for god knows how long this will last 😮‍💨

Its probably also not unlikely for it to domino into more drama, since Suga had problems with all her relationships already before and now she has to cope with that alone, since Kitano just sorta jumped that on her 😐

Child Labor is probably nicer, than the Idol Industrie, if we take Anime/Manga for it as base 🤨 (And IRL it doesnt seem all that much better, considering what "Idols" are supposed to be/stand for thats pretty ironic 🫤)
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2019
Manager herself was against Miyako making a comeback which is mutual feeling from Miyako. In honestly speaking, paaparazi are the villains there but since she's been caught meeting with remaining group there are really only two solutions.

1. Completely cut-off connection with remaining group members until media and fans alike accept that Miyako is gone for good.
2. Make it so that they are planning for her graduation concert

Both have advantages and disadvantages of course. Miyako opted for 2nd options while the manager prefer 1st option. In case of cooperation, 1st one is better for them because it's way more effective if you want no news or rumors or whatsoever. If fans forget about Miyako, it's a good situation for them. And if I'm the manager of the group, I would opt for the 1st once in the situation like this. Release a statement to end current rumors and make sure Miyako and the group won't meet at least without protection until the group make the name without Miyako.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
This still doesn't make any sense. A simple "i was visiting my friends, what of it?" would completely cover everything. Manager was just being a bitch but we need the drama i guess. If every celeb acted like this after every article in TMZ, we would be seeing some wild shit happening every half an hour.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2019
Manager was just being a bitch
The manager want no more Rumors of Miyako coming and she wanted to completely erase Miyako media presence from current group. Hence she wanted to shield the group and Miyako from the media until the public accept that Miyako is gone for good.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
This is a solid compromise. I knew it wouldn't get too melodramatic, that's not this author's style. A graduation concert allows her to finally deal with her past head on and close that chapter rather than run from it like she'd been doing all series.

She can make a clean break and maybe give a cheeky, secret shout-out to her girlfriend on the stage. It'll feel surreal for Asako to see her GF actually perform live!
How many vtuber fans here flinched at the G word?
My heart rate spiked a bit, won't lie.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
The manager want no more Rumors of Miyako coming and she wanted to completely erase Miyako media presence from current group. Hence she wanted to shield the group and Miyako from the media until the public accept that Miyako is gone for good.
Sure but there are way better ways to utilize this than "YOU NEED TO COME BACK TO THE GROUP" nonsense. Since she left all of a sudden, rumours were that there was bad blood. Just say that she was there to visit them like any friend would and fix both issues in one move. Everything is better than trying to force her to come back.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2019
Sure but there are way better ways to utilize this than "YOU NEED TO COME BACK TO THE GROUP" nonsense. Since she left all of a sudden, rumours were that there was bad blood. Just say that she was there to visit them like any friend would and fix both issues in one move. Everything is better than trying to force her to come back.
If I'm reading correctly, she doesn't want Miyako to come back to the group. She want Miyako to come back to the agency/company so that they could erase her media presence until it's all over. She said it herself, "So you'll be staying within our slight, even if it's only temporary".
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
If I'm reading correctly, she doesn't want Miyako to come back to the group.
She does. Though tempararly to control the narrative. She talked about it last chapter. They are just giving the paparazzi more ammo instead of outright ignoring them like every other decent celeb on the planet does. The concert won't fix anything more than any simple statement would. Tabloids will still run their mouth regardless like the scum of the earth they are.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2019
She does. Though tempararly to control the narrative.
It's confusing though. Last chapter, she just said "Come back once" and this chapter she is against Miyako graduation concert only reluctantly agree after every ELM member said they would join Miyako. What Miyako suggest is what she exactly said last chapter so I take her "come back once" as "Come back so that we can erase you from our elm group rumors".
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2020
God this is the dumbest plot of all time. Why does the tabloid thing even matter so much that she's going to do this? And wouldn't that just make it worse anyway if she's worried about tabloids and people following her around? And yeah honestly it does just kinda shit on the work that the group has been doing after they moved on without her. Ugh, hate this arc.

Thanks for the translation.

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