Manga name from several years ago

Feb 9, 2018
Since several years ago I'm searching for a manga tittle that appears to be a curse on my memory. So I'm pasting what I wrote on another forum:

I'm searching for a particular manga where the protagonist is some kind of leader/royalty/prince/king of a country and at some point comes back from a battlefield all victorious and meets his older sister. The point is that his sister is the true mastermind behind the affairs of the country and the correct behavior of her brother.
I don't remember much more, I think there was a war with another country and maybe a female antagonist.
I think I readed only 1 or 2 chapters, but I can't remember the name or the author.

The main point in my opinion is that the male protagonist lacks in abilities or will, but because of his sister guidance he can pull a good image on the people.
I'm not sure, but I think that one word or more of the name of that manga were occidental.

I started searching for it back in 2012. And as today I have no clues. Thank you for any help and for reading.

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