Why is it always this trope with a female demon lord's subordinate
Even males have done stuff like this.
The actual trope is that the subordinate blindly believes the their boss will simply take back the mantle they once had,an undying faith to the one who used to rule,but never once has said subordinate ever actually realise what the demon lord wanted until after their lord finds it,and nothing they do will ever convince their master otherwise.
Eventually,they'll have to accept it.
I like how there's just a random tanuki around in some of the panels
He was just passing by until he saw the Naloku show up and become a fattened cry baby.
Is it the time that harem tag will appear?
Would be neat to have two contrasting spouses,but even if that isn't the case,here's hoping Naloku finds her own sweet decayed happiness.
Better and funnier still if she ends up with a lil' kid who treats her even more like a good girl then Nonoa did.
And the extreme funny would be that she ends up knocked up before Nonoa can,regardless of who and how.