Martial Peak - Ch. 543 - Quickly Propose A Marriage

Dec 18, 2018
I really like Martial art manhwa but the fact that women are only usefull for marriage piss me off a bit ... They literally use them to make alliance with each other without giving a fuck about their hapiness
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 7, 2019
Did you forget the past chapters?
First wife, "ice queen", is very happy with/of Yang Kai. Younger senior sister ("walking pill maker") is set up to be second wife and is also very fond of MC. Both are cultivators and fight battles. Many more.
I do not think this manhua is showing women in a bad light. Worse, I think, is the art of characters which always tend to have an ideal/popular figure/muscles - I can only assume its to increase sales/popularity, after all, beauty/sex does sell.

Marriage to women is generally considered required to secure a continuation of their lineage/family. Fiction or not.
Dec 18, 2018
@Lichon those 3 women chose him no one forced them nor did he force them in this chapter Li family Elder want to give one of their young women to him to build an alliance and in most of Martial Art Manhwa Family Elder marry the women without their consent like they were tools without any right
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 7, 2019
Bear in mind I have no numbers or other reference to back up any of my claims.
Having an alliance, or stronger bond, thru marriage might not be common today, but I believe it was earlier, hence it could apply the setting of this manhua. Looking a history there were cases of a "royal duty" to enter into a marriage (without (initial) love). This applies to royalty, nobility, wealthy merchants and the like, generally its people/families in power who wish to stay as such. I think this could be called an arranged marriage, which is that grand elder suggested to elder Li.
Freedom of marriage may not be a reality for all. Certain cultures seem to prefer (parental) matchmaking - some with a freedom choice like I think the japanese omiai means.
Dec 18, 2018
@Lichon what you said is 100% true and I know it its just me who have a problem with arrenged marriage because its almost always at the loss of the women

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