I gotta say, these mad scientist type enemies are approaching the "evil pope" trope of boring.
Agreed. There's just never anything to them. It's always the same "knowledge is supreme and nothing can stand in the way of it so I'll just do whatever and kill whoever to get there. What's that? You actually care about other people who aren't related to me and my goal? How pathetic! I'm clearly better than everyone so none of that concerns me!"
then they get defeated or killed and it's "oh no! Why am I being punished! I just wanted to do whatever I wanted without consequence! That's not wrong, is it?"
There's little to no variation or creativity. It's just straight copy/paste right down to usually having glasses and a long coat that invokes a lab coat and often looking kind of haggard because the insinuation is that they don't sleep or rest or do anything outside of read and research all the time.
Can't arrive without saving someone at the last possible moment. It's too predictable to be dramatic.
Creepy licking is also one of the most overused characterisation moments.
Kind of a nothing chapter.
Agreed about the licking too. In general I feel like the various poses and lines that get used in manga as shorthand for things are overdone. Creepy licking, the hand over the face to obscure everything but an eye, the leaning back with the hand to the face evil/insane laugh. Again there's no originality. It's like there's a master list of "these are the things you must do to signify certain things. So you have no choice but to do them." It feels like the creativity extension of that whole "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down" idea: If you try to do something other than what's "normal" to make your manga stand out, everyone will look down on you for trying to be different as if you're too good to do the things that everyone else does.
Don't make something new and original. Just make the same basic bitch isekai/game-mechanics-universe/harem comedy/power-fantasy/whatever series that everyone else does and be happy if the fates deign to make yours
slightly more popular than the raft of other identical ones.