Story is almost impressively bad. The "fanservice" - where you can call it that - is made moot by the censorship for the few who care and the character work is putrid. The art isn't anything special but it still feels sorely wasted here.
Basically just another one of those "gary stu/mary sue asshole OC power trip" works enjoyed only by people with a fetish for shitheads... and in this case rapist shitheads. Sometimes watching them twist their own heads into non-Euclidean pretzels trying to defend these characters in comment threads would be more entertaining than the story itself (if only it didn't carry the unpleasant stench of someone trying to justify their own shithead behavior), but this one is so garbage even for that genre there aren't enough morons crawling out of the woodwork to make the comments any fun with their unhinged apologia rants.
It's a trainwreck that somehow isn't even worth looking at.