Solution to the equation:
The domain here is x≥0 or x≤-2. Here I'll only deal with the nonnegative case, for reasons I'll mention later.
We take note of the factorization
Splitting the square roots and factorizing, we obtain
Taking the reciprocal (inverse) of both sides and rationalizing the denominator, we rearrange to obtain
We expand the expression on the left and obtain something very similar to the original equation:
By adding this to the original equation, we have
This is now a high school math problem. Move 2x to the right, squaring and solving the final equation, we obtain x=1/24.
The same technique doesn't quite work for the negative case due to a small technical issue regarding separating two negative numbers inside a square root. WolframAlpha returns a gargantuan output for this particular case, which hints that there is no simple way to solve this.