Its just so tiresome ...Calm down, guy. You're saying an awful lot towards what seem to be imaginary individuals.
This is (almost) literally a half chapter, we dont see the last votes and all some people talk is Ren, you know what this reminds me of? the typical overpowered isekai that because there are no real stakes and therefor no tension, its gets really boring really quickly.
Kyouka winning just makes her reach her end goal that is to became the Commander, at that point what the author is going to do? there are only 3 Gods of Thunder left and no indication there is another group, its just tiresome nobody seemingly wants to see were it can lead and just want a sprint to the end (thus my "typical isekai" comparison), I also seen this attitude a lot lately on any series that have a ambiguous antagonist, its like any depth deeper that a puddle is somehow "wrong", my first FF game was VIII and the first apparent antagonist is Edea and its not as if the real antagonist isnt as deeper as a puddle (because she is) but someone like her today seems impossible.
And yes, its a rant and I dont care.