Double-page supporter
Feb 12, 2020
@Infamouspixie70 Yikes
Sep 29, 2018
so is the alchemist spider girl, is she actually evil, and just saying she turned crazy by becoming a monster? or was she actually turned crazy and is normal now. cause like she totally tortured that other girls sister right?
also everytime I hear oppa, I hear gangnam style after.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
You either have really bad memory or you didnt understand it at all. She didnt distance herself from them because she looked down on them, she distanced from them because she didnt trust in the MC. I aint the one saying it, its something the MC said himself, its just that you might have forgot about it.
Her choice is something totally relatable in my honest opinion, since she is different from the other 3. The other 3 have decided to trust in the MC whatever he decides to do without questioning him, instead from the beginning she noticed he was hiding something, that he knew more than he was saying and that he always avoided her questions whenever she confronted him.
If you are gonna blame her for something, blame her for not having herd mentality and for not blindly trusting in someone who she didnt think was being honest with them.

Exactly. If she felt like he was hiding things and wasnt being honest with them, i can totally understand she choosing not to follow him since i think i would have done the same. That later your choice might not have been the best one because you miss them or you dont like your new companions? It doesnt change the fact that at that moment her choice was the right one.
I dont get why the great majority of the readers hate her. Well, i actually get it, she rejected to follow the MC and thats enough reason for them to hate her. Just from reading a few comments you can guess that they come from teens engrossed in those heavy-focused MC series that are so trendy nowadays, so me saying that i dont get it is me running away from a sad reality i dont wanna admit.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2019
Finally realised it was a trap? A devils bargin?

Too late to regret that now better to gather strenght to get out of the trap.

And to those that say she didnt tryst the MC, no one told her she had to go to the first clan offering her a spot.
Feb 4, 2020
@Soulwarfare and he still kinda is in some aspects. He could have approached her a bit differently since she was suspicious, and I think he could have got out of it without giving compromising details but oh well. It's drama, then.
Apr 21, 2020
Now she realize her mistake, hopefully she gets a opportunity to leave the clan and join the others.
Apr 2, 2019
But the thing is, mc has done so many things to protect them and help them, regardless of how sus he was, if he wanted them dead then they would of been dead ages ago. What's the worse thing that could of happened but not yet has? Might aswell continue to follow him to find out his secrets than blindly put your faith in people who claim to be successful
Aggregator gang
Oct 27, 2020
Yeah, you ain't got no right to call him "oppa" alright, you aren't that close anymore, you threw it all away.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2019
Kind of hard to sympathise with this character's problem. Of course nobody likes her. She got high position for basically nothing, she didn't achieve anything in this world yet, and is given a ridiculously high rank. She is in her position by choice, not but circumstance.
Active member
Feb 10, 2018
so what now bitch, you wanted this
it only gets worse once the blue haired chick reveals her past and how bad clans can be, kinda sux seeing as our mc is a goody two shoes regarding what happens later to this jewel caster since she left them of her own volition but it is what it is

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