It's literally what I translated it as and put in the notes, as far as I can tell.
The Japanese is 人間関係リセット症候群, or "ningen-kankei RISETTO shoukougun". She actually says "
I have/watashi ha", but I wasn't sure how to do that bit since I'm not certain how much self-awareness the mangaka wanted her to have, if that makes sense? Given the way she says "No, no, I'm not being 'weird', it's just life being crap", it seemed a bit odd she could consciously go "This is what my exact problem is".
Anyway, if you Google for that, it does actually give you an AI overview, which reads as follows if you MTL it (slightly edited) -
I didn't really go very far beyond that - I only saw one or two brief mentions of it from a quick Google of English sources.
Note that none of this is meant to say anybody's wrong to go "Oh, it's just like what happens to people with ADHD" or anything like that. Firstly, I didn't write it, obviously, so I don't know exactly what the mangaka was thinking about whether the character has some other condition too - secondly, I could be wrong but I would hazard a guess she wouldn't mind too much about people taking away a message like "Huh, stuff hasn't changed that much, has it?", or "Damn, it sucks how people still treat anybody who's neuroatypical just as badly" or what have you.