@Zmk the guy is just dense -___-, he did nothing PLUS no one said that they like each other. How come you are blaming the guy? He considers HIM as a friend. Blame the MC. She is all quiet... no, blame society. They have taught girls to be quiet and don't learn to talk about their feelings. Only when they become all enough and experience bad things and become a woman, females start to "talk with ur emotions" BS.
He is a teenager as much as her. I don't think he knows He is a girl. He is not gay =/.
@Seosuke I have a feeling that she knows that is him, but he doesn't know she was that little girl. It is always like that in shoujo. The girl is the one that knows the truth and is later on that let the guy learn that she was the one that he liked as a fatty boy back then.
I am sure that he will become shy the moment he learns she is that little girl he got a crushed on.