Love how sensei just thinks he’s a perverted boy (would her head explode if she met an ace student, if also be flabbergasted by a gay student but I can totally imagine her having fujo delusions too if she tried hitting on another male teacher and got rejected and coping lol)
Oof knew the telephone game was gonna backfire
I remember once, we had a telephone game in class that started with like “I like red boats” and half way thru it changed into “(teachers name) is fat”
But at the end somehow it changed to “i like blue boats” idk if someone told them or it was coincidentally changed closely but I can imagine since not every student hated her, detention or not they wouldn’t have repeated it out loud so boldly unless it was a mean girl xP
What a cute end, progress — if only irl
One could improve their physical skills just by getting flustered , if this was a diff story or with senseis manipulation if they dressed up as cheerleaders and basically telling him “she’ll reward you with a kiss if you win the race” xD