they aren't blood related despite having same surname but the eldest do have a sibling which will be a mega spoiler of the first arch.
Old one and old two are like this because of their big ego. And of all siblings, they both have good reason for leaving their master. Old 7th just tag along and old 8th followed behind him. Yes, old two really did mean it when he say he wanna chop old one's head. And they already at each other's throat before. Yes, sounds contradictory to the statement where them siblings wont aim for each other. But in their case, its just simple. They wanna see who's strongest. Yup... Men... Old 2nd wont sabotage old 1st big plan and old 1st wont stop old 2nd from his serial killing. But yeah, "if i see you, ill kill you". Siblings amirite?
So don't worry, enjoy the show. They are only evil to everyone other than each other.