My Love Tiger - Ch. 277

Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2019
First things first, thanks for the translation and take care of your health

Yeah to be honest at this point I'm not so sure of what the truth is anymore.

On the one hand, I think she's likely just messing with him...

... but the author could also want to do this. It would not surprise me that much at this point. I mean, it's already a rather large harem... one more would not change the fact we need a harem ending of sorts..
Last edited:
Sep 6, 2018
This manga is dragged on as hell, Saehee's character has been less than sympathetic and she's likely lying.
But damn me, I loved every confession scene and even this fake one is no exception.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
Haven't we done this before? 🤔
Saehee shown many times she cares about him otherwise she wouldnt help him as she does behind his back, the reason why he stop working is because if it was something he didnt belied was possible he would simply brush it off so there is the possibility that she is telling the truth and that is why he crashed.

I would say the only reason this affected him so much was because the possibility that Saehee likes him isnt off the table a lot because of how Saehee usually acts that makes it possible, its entirely possible everything she said was true but she intencionally acted off character to throw him off as well she having no intention of trying to compete.

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