I felt the ending somewhat... underwhelming... I didn't see this coming, personally, because sometimes I see it played straight in the most nonsensical form possible ("oh, yeah, you abandoned/neglected me for so long, so, yeah , I suppose I can forgive you and return to your arms, or whatever" ???). This kinda goes straight into it, but I suppose... the mother is given some sort of pass (I mean, hey, at least they still somewhat talked with each other? Even if barely? I dunno) because in other cases, the neglecting is even much more obvious (basically, I have seen worse).
Also, I suppose that after some "drama" you cannot really develop more about Kyung Hoon and Song Ara's romantic relationship. Thing between these two has been already cleared up, Kyung Hoon is not longer the "male best friend", but "boyfriend", so, how we go from here? I think their relationship's development left me more with a taste of "this could have been so much better".