Could be she was doing something sus on the computer and didn't want anyone peering inAnyone know what he meant at the end with the shades thing?
I am die to curiosity, whether this is true or out of context 🤣Anyone know what he meant at the end with the shades thing?
I don't care, it's my head canon nowI am die to curiosity, whether this is true or out of context 🤣
Okay👌I don't care, it's my head canon now
Do anyone know what title of the video are? The youtube link is down and i want to hear the song
Thanks, I didn't expected the beat to be bop like that 😂
許嵩 - 絕代風華『世間當真有兩全法』【動態歌詞Lyrics】
許嵩 - 絕代風華『世間當真有兩全法』【動態歌詞Lyrics】