man...phoenix is such a nice guy, cool af too
Really respect the story in that they both are, and it's neither's "fault" specifically that the party didn't work out. Nice, thoughtful adult man friendship/rivalry... except when Fenix goes all jealous teen ex-girlfriend every so is such a nice guy, cool af too
This is such a breath of fresh air compared to the oh so many "our one party member that helped us reach the top is totally useless, oh wait they're actually op." Because things are more about perception in this world he had to cave even though he knew Remme was the most or second most useful member of the party. But the new members have bigger star power and traditional hero roles. It's great to see a kicked out of the party have a decent reason and a good party member.Really respect the story in that they both are, and it's neither's "fault" specifically that the party didn't work out. Nice, thoughtful adult man friendship/rivalry... except when Fenix goes all jealous teen ex-girlfriend every so often.