@eviljackspicer Yeah, just like how
@starburst98 said, the entries in Pixiv are compilations of several twitter posts. We're organising them according to what tematically appears to be one chapter.
And, with next chapters, we're considering adding extra pages (some posts originally had some extra pages missing from the compilations on Pixiv, and there are tons of pictures from Os_fresa-sensei of Nei & Souta in general.)
and alternatively might reorganise some chapters' order, maybe. They're not really in chronological order either way, but some parts might would work better in a bit different order than how they appear on pixiv.
At the start we did considered scanlating and uploading them in compilations, but most pages aren't directly connected event-wise, and often even their format is quite different. so that'why we decided to upload it in such short chapters (exception is, if a chapter is actually long, such as chapter 14. - there will be some more later too.)
This way, it might not appears perticularly chaotic than with pictures of all sorts of formats, of different events in a single chapter,
and it might be better this way, with frequent releases, rather than if we would upload a compilation weekly, bi-weekly or something.
I'm also wondering about that the "one chapter a time. very frequently" might be a great format. in comparison, when I uploaded 2 chapters at the start at once, one would overshadowed the other (I think).
I think this way, each chapter have some time to shine.