Why don't they just leave the road and travel through wilderness, huh? They originally lived in a forest, fleeing from hunting parties. Are they now so spoiled by the civilization they can't tolerate the thought of walking and camping? It's not like DukeTru... Wigaro would have built a guarded wall all around his whole dukedom.
It also looks like Marius needs to choose between Annette and the whole group. Dullan and Ben are so jealous he can't become a couple with Annette if those two are still around. Annette would need to set them free somewhere. Maybe the kingdom that employs monsters, if it indeed exists.
wait why are they upset that MC was in the bath with Annette? in other chapters its been shown the they (not mc) would wash off in the river naked together.
That whole interaction was tempting me to drop this here. The author made me think "Kill the pig".Their reaction to him in this chapter, accusing him of doing something and playing Linebacker for Annette is stupid and honestly infuriating. Who cares if the two humans in the party, who clearly seem to care about each other, get close. He is obviously not a playboy or an idiot, and he would obviously never hurt her. Author is trying to come up with a reason why two consenting parties can't do anything PG-13, and apparently two over protective poly-morphed animals will be the excuse moving forward. Annoying as hell