Nichijou - Ch. 218

Group Leader
Feb 4, 2019
This feels like it was a two-parter with 217, just like 214 and 215 were a two-parter.
Jan 8, 2023
Hiya I'm the redrawer for this group!
we skipped chapter 217 for the meantime as we don't have the raws for it yet but they will come soon so look forward to it in the near future.
We found the last part of the chapter a bit confusing with Yuuko waking up at her house. Our guess is that Mio either switched the pizza out and fainted after eating it or she is completely delusional and just ate a fake pizza at her house without the TV crew etc :notlikethis:.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
Thanks! didn't realize this series was still going on, too bad there was no more anime seasons
, feels like slice of life comedies could easily get 5+ season compared to all the action packed shounen lol

edit: lol love how pizza is universally loved (along with the 'anime girls eating borgers' meme/fanart), tho i've heard some stories/anecdotes about takeout pizza in Japan not being as 'good'/disappointing but i'm sure there are some restaurants/chefs that have done some freshly made/oven baked/classical style that's rly good, if not 'unique' flavors (i wonder if the issue is with the sauce or the cheese, i guess a few asian dishes aren't too cheese heavy ,but japan has 'napolitan pasta' that's basically like a ketchup sauce/sweeter than the standard tomato sauce/marinara?)
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
My take is Yukko being the (secret) genius that she is was daydreaming when she saw a slice of sample pizza. She may not know it was not real and prepping up to eat it by first daydreaming a scenario first (savoring the food so to say).
She realized the pizza was cold and kinda hard, hence on pg. 9 she added the details that they were doing it outside and it was snowing in her mind. When she “eat” it, the shock finally took her back to reality.

Fake food aside, adding some “story/setting” before eating a food is something I may have done as a kid, hence my take on this.

That said this is Nichijou so who knows. :ROFLMAO:

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