hope the authors ok, ppl complain about manga deadlines all the time which is understandable but i wonder how many ppl release one shots or full volumes at once tho other than editor interference or magazine versus having full creative control, i can imagine some indie ones doing self published and selling volumes at comiket if not the ones in charge of doing all the adaptations and not need to change too much dialogue and focus on chara designs and action lol
Lmao honestly even before the deal, you'd think he'd set dms to mutuals only if not like a 'business email' or so lol
Watari's too broke/cheap but he seems like the type to be seduced by some rental girlfriend type business or so
LOL i don't know how common full beige outfits are but it'd be rare to see someone match the skin tone completely to seem naked but i wouldn't wanna wear white/beige pants at least b/c that's prolly when you'd get splash by a passing car/bike or spill food everywhere/etc
lol i'm surprised Kitagawa hasn't been asked to clean up his 'delinquent' look, not that it's bad or so. but i suppose someone intimidating like him or Nii-kun not giving a shit would be ideal to deal with troublesome customers
I wonder if those little bottles of energy drinks are that 'effective', if you have a dozen by your desk you might as well get a full size one unless legally they can't or so, i have seen those '5 hour energies' but never tried it, not too into energy drinks but at that point feels like you'd just have to push yourself through the day if not have one in the morning and slow down at the end of a work day versus needing it for all nighters (but scams aside i wonder how many would be like 'gingseng' energy drink and have natural/nutrients and vitamins to balance out the caffeine and such) I know IV drips can be good but i wouldn't trust those vans driving around that offer IV drips, seems borderline illegal if not at least suspicious but i don't know if that kinda stuff would pop up in Japan versus going properly to the hospital
"Surveillance" Classic Nii-kun