Nobunaga no Chef - Vol. 12 Ch. 102 - The Meaning of the Skulls

Active member
Jan 19, 2018
Nobunaga really is kind

He keeps letting Ken mouth off to him. Then again, it did let him do what he wanted and keep his homelife stable as well
Double-page supporter
May 18, 2018
I wonder if Oda at the end is just commenting on how sweet the skull is or if he's thinking how naive he is by getting so soft.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 27, 2018
I can't help but wonder why there are so many manga that lie so freely to make Nobunaga seem like a nice guy.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
@boldmonkey Is there that many? While they do exist sometimes, I feel like the type that paint them as evil overlord happen much often (maybe not manga, but more like franchise in general)
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2018
So far, the various incarnation of Nobunaga I saw in fictions all around is:

- A gender-flipped version with a time-travelling 'Hideyoshi' attempting to make her a little bit less ruthless, (Anti-Hero? Villain-ish?)
- A time-travelled modern high-schooler who keeps faking it because he didn't pay attention in history class, yet somehow able to almost perfectly replicate EVERY SINGLE ONE of Nobunaga's feats due to dumb luck, (Heroic)
- A Kamen Rider, (Villain-ish)
- An alternate version of an existing Kamen Rider; it's complicated to tell in TLDR for me, (Neutral)
- An utterly incompetent womanizer whose feats were actually achieved by someone else pretending to be him, (Heroic-ish)
- Pretty much the equivalent of Dynasty Warrior's Liu Bei, (ABSOLUTELY HEROIC, THE PARAGON OF ALL THAT IS GOOD)
- An immortal, demon villain who fights steam-powered mechas, (Villain)
- A Devil May Cry-esque, comically and obviously evil take; which also includes pretty much everyone under his clan, (ABSOLUTELY VILLAINOUS, THE INCARNATION OF ALL EVIL)
- A gender-flipped version using either three thousands muskets or a flaming guitar, (Depends on the media, I suppose?)
- A normal human who got revived as a demon, who then proceeds to outright controls the demon who revived him, (Villain)
- A Persona, (the user is Heroic)
- The boogeyman for a death game, revived by the one who made the game in the first place. The reason? Literally, 'why not?'. (I really forgot about this one)

At this point, I'm more interested in seeing how fictions would depict him more than anything.
Apr 13, 2020

His Hyouge Mono iteration depicts him as generally kinda cool but towards the Honnoji incident he was getting a bit too irrational.

Also your username made me imagine it's Hideyoshi complaining about this lmao
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2019
@boldmonkey While I would admit that this manga sugarcoats some things to absolve Nobunaga, they're not entirely "lying". Nobunaga is a regular person like anybody else, he can have his nice moments too. He is ruthless for today's standards, but not for someone of his era. He has not done anything that is unacceptable for the time period he lives in. Like it's even addressed in this chapter itself. The main guy was shocked about the skulls, Shibata was like "Why? This is normal".
If you think it's lying to depict him as a regular human being and not a demon from hell, then I hope you have the same objection to every single other historical samurai character that are not portrayed as evil in manga/movie/anime/game.

@Daremo He just ate one LOL
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2023
It started off unpolished but the storytelling seems to grow more consistently strong as this series goes on.
That being said, with this series I start to understand the evergreen appeal of the warring states period. These figures' lives are so dramatically magnetic.

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