Thank you for the release!
I'm guessing the country this takes place in does not allow royalty to also be monarchs of other nations. Poor Gregory didn't know that he'd been engaged!
An important correction: Stop referring to ending an engagement as "annulling" — that's far from proper in any Western langauage and displays willful ignorance. Seriously. In the Western world, annulling is for marriages which as contracts may be determined to be invalid and thus to have never existed legally and religiously to begin with (in contrast to divorce which terminates the contract while both parties are alive), where as an engagement is a promise to marry and like other promises is either fulfilled or broken (as here, and it may also be referred to as being "broken off" or "dissolved" — you have lots of options without mangling languages). Please don't mess this up in the future (as all too many translators do all while wilfully mangling the Western language they are translating into, not to mention any European setting).