Yukine seems a lot stronger post corruption, but i wonder if this will have consequences other than strength?
Especially considering the other "corrupted: shinki (i forgot her name) seems to be volatile and regretful in some way. Will Yato and the rest have to deal with Yukine transforming more often?
*looks at comments* Ah yes, blame a little kid for having a traumatic horrible death that nobody deserves, finding out about it, and somehow not handling it well.
Seriously, people went crazy for much, much less than this.
Well, no results for his death, father could well be lying and yukine should know better than trust the very man Yato has been trying to kill through the whole series.
Father at this point had been shown to not be very trustworthy but somehow Yukine believes everything that comes out of his mouth and follows him knowing full well that he’s hurting Yato at the same time.
Yato as well is at blame for not reasoning things out with Yukine as to why they shouldn’t learn about their past and why he didn’t want to bring him along. Yes Yukine may break during the battle but not telling him isn’t going to help anything and telling him in the end seems better even though Yukine in the end wouldn’t want to be removed from the fight.
Anyone would be suspicious if father approached you and was willing to let you learn about your family.
More than half the conflicts has been because this kid has done something stupid even when everyone told him what NOT to do. Enough is enough, time to drop this trash for good.