Noragami: Stray God - Vol. 27 Ch. 109 - With the God in the Tracksuit

Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2020
It was a lovely final chapter, regardless of how it got there. I feel like there was a lot of story threads that were forgotten, but I'm still satisfied with this. 13 years is wild; I think I've been following this series for 8 of those.

Thank you so much for all your translation work, Fast Moon.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
Gezz... I hate the type of ending that only leave a confirm of outcome at the very end.
ending like this better have some extra chapter and give more romance moment. Like bro, it is a 13 years journeys, give us something. Please tell me there are

Also, he is alive by a comic-relief moment by just accident get to be internet trending ? talk about due ex machine
Dex-chan lover
Jun 16, 2020
It's finally over after all this time, but it's pretty anticlimactic? Just kind of plopped the ending in front of you without much time to appreciate and take in the payoff
it went with the safe end route
not gonna say I am fully satisfied, might be more impactful with a sorrowful end,
or as you say, yeah, I think I'd like the end to be appreciated more slowly
like maybe 1 more chapter?

but overall, I'm also fine with this

Thank you to the translation team for their work all this years
Active member
Dec 18, 2018
Somehow, I have such mixed emotions with this chapter because it feels like things were rather rushed at the end? For the last couple of chapters, I barely had time to appreciate my theory being right on how Hiyori was Sakura in her past life and then Hiyori quickly transformed into Yato's shinki again! There was still more stuff and characters I wanted fleshed out and written! I really wish there was more! I don't want the story to end! Author-san, can't you make one more volume dedicated to epilogue stuff? 😭
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
I started reading this back in 2017 and have kept up whenever a chapter was released. It was a bumpy ride, but after 7 years, I can say with certainty that it was fun. I'm satisfied with this and glad I got to go on this wild journey.
Active member
May 24, 2019
This ending is about as safe as they go. Which would have been perfectly fine... had it come out at least 5 years ago. At this point though, the series really would have had to go out with a bang to save it from the total slogfest it had fallen into, courtesy of the unfortuante hiatuses, mediocre drawn-out final battle, and the de facto bimonthly release schedule. Maybe rereading it as a whole will improve the experience in a few years' time, once the memories of the utter frustration of being a Noragami fan for 10 years fade. At least I sure goddamn hope so considering I have 21 volumes of this manga sitting on my shelf, bought at a time when it seemed like it was wrapping up gracefully. How foolish I was then.

Anyway, major thanks for the many, many years of hard work on the transltions, Inu-papa! You have rightfully earned the absolute GOAT status of this admittedly dwindling fandom. Even if this one's been wrapped up, at least Doctor Who's good again so there's that to look forward to.

Stay cool, y'all.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2021
Meh ending, I was waiting more,
  • How yato was saved ... meh
  • Yukine and Nora ening ... ok
  • Hiyori's life ... meh .. and worst her bf and romantic life
  • Hiyori meeting Yato .... anticlimatic ... why? How? Now what about he said early pages?
Now we need the epilogue and see the Hiyori After life ....
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 15, 2018
Oh it's finally over. We're free!

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Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I hope there are special chapters after! Oh man... I've been reading this for half my life. It feels like a part of me has closed. I liked this ending.

Some things are too broken to be fixed and some things aren't and you won't know till you try what's fixable and what isn't.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2020
I remember loving the anime when it first came out, then I started reading the Manga until I caught up and the updates where inconsistent so I forgot about it. Can someone tell me 2 things: 1) did the evil father get his ass beaten and was it satisfying? 2) was there actual, clear romance between Yato and Hiyori?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2018
Emotionally that works

The story definitely has a whims of fate tone to it, which has been a thing through out.

Even the gods are not immune to it and it ends on another whim of fate as even though Yato wants to leave her alone, fate may and still connects them in the end

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