Numbered releases for certain groups

Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018
Some groups keep track of their releases on their credit pages. Any thoughts to allowing some of these groups to have a release tracker or a release numbering on their group page. ( no point on the front page or searches, but to allow the group to number their releases on their own group page )

eg. I'm on a kick of trying to upload a bunch of genesis translations lately. They had 111 releases if i remember correctly. Their group page is currently at 81 chapters, I'm going to be tracking down the missing ones but there should only ever be 111 possible chapters on their group page at the end of the day. The group is gone so it will never increase. But if it were an active group it could be an additional feature that could be offered to them for their group page.
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018
on a different note this would really help me out when i try to upload for these particular groups. If i could sort the group page by release number and notice that releases 50-55, 74-79, 93 were all missing. You will be able to easily track down the missing ones by timeline (missing release was before xxx and after xxx). This often works since the older websites will generally never have a new release on the older pages and the reverse is also true, old releases don't appear as much on the first pages of the search.

(The following is mostly for hentai since normal manga series don't really run into this problem as much.)

This would help people out that are looking to upload a few things. It can be really daunting to double check to see if something has been uploaded or not ( a few chapters here and there are no problem). If there are 100+ releases by somebody and u want to figure out if it has been uploaded already. Checking one by one just becomes extremely annoying with no way of knowing when your finally going to get a hit and find one that needs uploading. Then you go to website #2 with 150 releases most of which are duplicates. But with that many it begins to blend together and now you gotta check every single one again because fuck if i can remember double check #80 by that point. Then low and behold, after all that you find a third website that has releases you don't recognize and your off to mind numbing double checking again because for some fucking reason that website decided to use English instead of the previous 2 sites that used romanji. Then as if thats not bad enough the mangadex entry only has the romanji so you THOUGHT it wasn't a duplicate but in reality you just had to double check by image cover to notice it was actually already there. The reverse can also be true where mangadex has both romanji and English but the site your ripping had a goddamn misspelling so it never matched the search............. anyways, you get the point

if the group tracks the numbers its real handy if there was a corresponding tracking on the group page

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