So is it okay to put my coins in TEACHERxSISTER ship ?
Our couple finnally made up ! I am kind of relieved! Author didn't stretch to far !
Fax brodda
I think this ship sunk already bro
Yeah ! Even that guy partner seemed more likely, especially based on the way they said goodbye! But I will be believer!
lamao, we must read 2 different thing.
because the whole previous chapter just talk about how she pair with this guy, after that teacher injury and quit dancing. She and the guy make perfect pair, get so many award, best score they ever gotten, end it with "the only thing i know i can say is there are nothing i love more than dancing with her".
And with the main themes involve around " "a girl this tall, wouldn't suit to be supporter" are you fine with that ?" which route it could be possible imply here