All the gods show up, and speak to No One except you, the only God who speaks is the chief god, and he only speaks to you, he tells you that you are the chosen one, you are the most powerful person, you are the most important person, and you are the center of all things.
And so, your reaction to this, obviously, is "I'm GlAd I WaS JUsT aN EsCOrT, DuR HUr..."
Are you fucking stupid? You think, somehow, that they showed up for everybody else, and simply didn't get to speak to them, and you were just there escorting the people they actually wanted to talk to but chose not to talk to?!
When they literally said exactly the opposite?!
That has got to be the fucking stupidest writing I have ever had to endure.
Why even have the MC say such a fucking idiotic thing? It's just one panel, and there is no ise to it, other than to destroy the reader any kind of immersion or ability to understand and/or identify with the MC; it literally detracts from the story.
One panel to utterly ruin the entire chapter up to that point.
What kind of fucking moron does this?