pg. 5: This is a move to not reveal the truth of what happened this time. In other words, it's betrayal towards my father... and at the same time, it means he chose my idyllic life over my father.
pg. 6: you should include a line in the report that your older brother Murcia was here.
pg. 7: I've dropped out of the race but with regards to the seat of the next family head, my three older brothers are scrambling to have achievements under their name. And because of all the help Murcia-niisan has given me, I want him to win.
pg. 11: Till? Let's say that someone you're interested in appears...
pg. 12: ...There's still a long time before I'll think about that. Right now, all I want is to be by Van-sama's side
pg. 14: I'm glad... I thought it was my eyesight that was bad (basically when he looked at the other two's perplexed faces, he was relieved. when i read the EN TL the first time i was so confused)