Omnipotent Warrior

Jan 12, 2023
This is a bland and uninteresting wuxia combined with a boiler plate gate style manwha.

A dull modern world overrun by monsters but where magical portals gives superpowers, but with added secret techniques to suck out the power of stars. The hero even is both a reincarnated "most powerful warrior known to mankind" and the weakling born into a family of heroes bullied by its adopted brother.

This could have been just another generic 5/10 story but it is told very poorly too.
The first three chapters are just blocks of exposition upon blocks of exposition, with characters telling each others things they already know in excrutiating details for the sake of the readers.
After half the first chapter spent building up the hero, his family and his relation with his brother, how he really wishes to become stronger despite his poisoned body, he is simply killed and replaced. With a character introduced in less than 10 boxes. And even this is weirdly done. Our hero swears he will get revenge on his brother, dies, then get reincarnated, then we get a scene of some other guy somewhere getting betrayed and using a reincarnation technique, and then a scene of this dude in the body of our hero swearing revenge on its own traitors. We will never see our hero getting back at his brother, just some dude that hijacked his body to redo his own life, but 6 times more op than he was as the "most powerful warrior known to mankind" because now he has 6 times the classes.

A bad story told even worse.
Active member
Jan 16, 2024
typical "i just got an extremely good physique/power, but luckily i have this secret breathing technique which hides literally everything from everyone for the sake of the plot" bullshit. I didn't have any hope anyway since it's obviously another generic action urban reincarnation fantasy manhua with that shitty Chinese subpar copy & paste art style, but it still managed to disappoint me. 2/10 is the best I can give and that's stretching it. Not even a good "turn your brain off for a while" read.

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