i mean, unless she does it while the mom is sleepy i think most kids would be like "mom u should use an iron on ur wrinkles" i don't think i've seen anyone use an iron since the 90s tho
that said feels like a burn scar would not look that 'smooth'
i mean, unless she does it while the mom is sleepy i think most kids would be like "mom u should use an iron on ur wrinkles" i don't think i've seen anyone use an iron since the 90s tho
that said feels like a burn scar would not look that 'smooth'
i guess my mother just stopped using one after we moved away and have a washer/dryer now. i only have one dress that has like wrinkles but so far i haven't had any issues with my clothes needing to be ironed, then again it's not like i'm buying super expensive clothes that'd need to go so far as to also need dry cleaning too lol