Goddamn, these food pics are making ME want to go out on a one day outing!Chapter title: 高低 High and Low referring to the hurdles which Ootsuki designates to each restaurant according to his expectations of it.
On page 3 Ootsuki describes the fried rice to be パラパラしてて which means that it's loose and crumbly. I thought he meant that it was a bad thing because personally my favorite type of fried rice is the thick and greasy Thai style, but from my research it seems that the Japanese prefer it to be light, less oily and sticky, and the grains to be loose.
The number on his track-bib is 456 which is the biggest winning roll in chinchiro. The manga has easter eggs like these everywhere ^^
TL commentary:
Japanese is filled with a lot of "False friend" words. In this chapter the running gag is that Ootsuki has to "clear a hurdle" ハードルを跳び立つ/越えて but in English I think the "set the bar high/low" is more accurate because we're dealing with expectations not obstacles. In the end I had to use hurdle because they've included several panels of hurdles already. I find translating to be something where you have to battle with a lot of compromises. Especially in manga, this manga even, with these tiny and slim narration boxes where I can't use the words I want because they won't fit.
Other examples of false friends are 'veranda' which is a roofed, open-air porch connected to your house usually on the ground floor. ベランダ in Japanese is a balcony on an apartment, which we'll encounter in chapter 34+35. ジュース is another one. It usually refers to soft-drink/soda but it baits a lot of newer learners into thinking it's fruit juice. You're translating a school manga and someone says ジュースを買ってよ they probably want a coke. Not saying that kids don't drink fruit juice though...but given the choice, it's a coke.
中華そば Chinese-style soba ramen
チャーハン Fried rice
ミルクレープ Mille Crepe
サザエのつぼ焼き Grilled horned turban
菜の花和え物 Rapeseed blossoms, miso dressing
カモ肉たたき Tenderized Roast Duck
ふわとろ親子丼 'Fuwatoro Oyakodon'
Was getting ready to go to sleep after brushing my teeth, and saw an update of the foreman adventures, so i knew i was gonna face a personal hurdle i would have to pass, finish the chapter, feeling good about myself, go to the commentsChapter title: 高低 High and Low referring to the hurdles which Ootsuki designates to each restaurant according to his expectations of it.
On page 3 Ootsuki describes the fried rice to be パラパラしてて which means that it's loose and crumbly. I thought he meant that it was a bad thing because personally my favorite type of fried rice is the thick and greasy Thai style, but from my research it seems that the Japanese prefer it to be light, less oily and sticky, and the grains to be loose.
The number on his track-bib is 456 which is the biggest winning roll in chinchiro. The manga has easter eggs like these everywhere ^^
TL commentary:
Japanese is filled with a lot of "False friend" words. In this chapter the running gag is that Ootsuki has to "clear a hurdle" ハードルを跳び立つ/越えて but in English I think the "set the bar high/low" is more accurate because we're dealing with expectations not obstacles. In the end I had to use hurdle because they've included several panels of hurdles already. I find translating to be something where you have to battle with a lot of compromises. Especially in manga, this manga even, with these tiny and slim narration boxes where I can't use the words I want because they won't fit.
Other examples of false friends are 'veranda' which is a roofed, open-air porch connected to your house usually on the ground floor. ベランダ in Japanese is a balcony on an apartment, which we'll encounter in chapter 34+35. ジュース is another one. It usually refers to soft-drink/soda but it baits a lot of newer learners into thinking it's fruit juice. You're translating a school manga and someone says ジュースを買ってよ they probably want a coke. Not saying that kids don't drink fruit juice though...but given the choice, it's a coke.
中華そば Chinese-style soba ramen
チャーハン Fried rice
ミルクレープ Mille Crepe
サザエのつぼ焼き Grilled horned turban
菜の花和え物 Rapeseed blossoms, miso dressing
カモ肉たたき Tenderized Roast Duck
ふわとろ親子丼 'Fuwatoro Oyakodon'