@Kirin-kun You're totally right, but the 'Tapioca' part had me really intrigued. Here what I found:
1. South-Asian countries are used to add jelly-like dessert to drink and some recipes.
2. The introduction of Cassava's starch (Originated from South America, known here as 'mandioca') made a really good source for the jelly-like dessert.
3. The name tapioca here really derives from the Brazilian's dish. However in Thailand is 'Tapioca ball' (better than cassava's starch ball, right.), and here in Brazil Tapioca is a pancake-like dish with toppings, sweet or not.
Thanks for the information mate, learned a few new things today.
Curiosity: The jelly-like dessert from the Cassava was made in Thailand, and later introduced to Brazil. Now is used on a dessert recipe called 'Wine Sago', very popular here on Brazil.