Where are the chapters at then? This is a common thing. A series doesn't get updated for a while, somebody picks it up, then all of a sudden the original translator/scanlator pops up like "Hey, what gives, I was just about to release an update!" Cool story bro, release it then. Personally I like competition in the community. Look at Reaper and Asura, if you know them. They basically translate the exact same series. If one picks up a series, the other is almost guaranteed to pick it up too. Kinda hilarious really, but they both have loyal fan bases and they both release fast af, probably trying to out do the other.
If you feel like your work isn't good and don't want to continue, that's your prerogative. But don't let anybody, outside of a legit DMCA order, move you off doing something you want to do. If you enjoy the scanlating/translating process, have at it. This series was effectively dropped. Do as you see fit.
Edit: What's truly crazy about this, after checking the chapters, it seems Harufloyd sniped this from Snow_Snow unless they asked before hand. Which they might've. But if he/she didn't, how you gonna complain about sniping when you sniped the series yourself? Again, I dunno if that's the case, conversations may have been had behind closed doors. But if not, hilarious.
While unrelated to this, I had a similar experience to the poster, and always had a similar opinion about multiple groups making the same translations - multiple people mean multiple perspectives, differences in quality, and if doing it for payment a healthy competition.
My translation was actually for an adult work by the group Maron Maron, and just like the author I did use google translate for translation but did use my own knowledge of english, and the work it was a sequel to, for proofreading.
To me, at least, it seemed to be just as good as most works people put in there. I also did it for free, just out of liking the works of the group. I did put a message at the end mentioning how I did it and saying I'd accept donations, but that was just a "if I get anything, it is profit, if I don't then no loss".
I was then lambasted not for any grammar mistake pointed out, but just by working on it using MTL - nevermind that, as I mentioned, I proofread everything before adding to the work.
They then said that someone doing it for free with MTL like I did discourages people with proper language skills to do their own, proper take on it.
Which to me is bullshit. Besides my own beliefs, I saw many other adult works being translated by multiple people. Not even counting how that had been a while there with no hint I could find of a translation.
That said, that
did discourage me from doing the same to other works in the future. Adult works or otherwise.
I did not expect any real payment, but at least appreciation. All I got was criticism not of my work, but for daring to do it.