That's, what, the third or fourth time the second chapter is uploaded, and we still have to get a second time the fourth onward. Or even the sixth.Did you redo the chapters? I remember that I read to like chapter 5 and thought "damn the translation is dogshit on this one"
my thoughts exactly, I am pretty sure this was a bit further alongDid you redo the chapters? I remember that I read to like chapter 5 and thought "damn the translation is dogshit on this one"
Yeah IIRC it was at least like CH 8 or further, but that batch upload was all from the bad TL mentioned abovemy thoughts exactly, I am pretty sure this was a bit further along
To be fair apparently it'll be intergrated properly at some other point in the future, this is just a stop gapOh, i was so exited to see comments on a chapter, but it seems that they just tied the forum to the reader.
That TL got banned bc they were so shit and just google translate everything with no redrawmy thoughts exactly, I am pretty sure this was a bit further along