Queen MILF Millaine's expressions are priceless AF. This chapter brought bittersweet smile to me today. If only I could have someone like Millaine to spend time with this Friday...
Ahh yes, the confession. I agreed with Leon's thinking, this milf is clearly much MUCH BETTER than the 'animal' in the academy. Of course, this doesn't include Olivia and Angie.
Thanks for the chapter!
Hope that engagement was enough to relieve Leon's stress. Although Angie should've talked to Livia about how she was wrong and conceited when she said those things and has since learned better along with seeing Livia as a friend not a pet. Also, in LN Leon remarks to himself during scene meets Cara about implied inferences and expectations made when Livia agreed to introduce Cara due to noble rules and customs Livia is unaware of. Such as if he refuses Cara's request it implies he doesn't value Livia much and unwilling to do things for her. Basically, Livia introducing Cara is more than just the basic introduction but has a lot of political strings attached.
It's revealed in LN a lot later but apparently the king has used excuse to have multiple heirs to have over 100 concubines and tried to lead Livia to a private room in the castle to induct her as one before Leon interfered. Not sure how many kids has but apparently some time after Julian was disowned a talented half brother of his from one of the concubines became the new Crown Prince.
There is an slight change from the LN. The former prince and every other guy at Marie cafe were half naked. The queen was honestly repulsed of seeing her son serving girls instant tea like that.
I just coincidentally read this chapter in LN translation, by 2slow2late, and it struck me that about half of the dialogue is almost word to word from the translation. Well, the translation is quite good so it's understandable.