Kasumi is so sexy. I want each of us to indulge in the other's private parts with glee. Kasumi will cradle my penis with her boobs and tenderly lick and kiss the tip of it. At the same time I'll be sucking and smelling her vagina as her bodacious butt bares down on my face. I finally submit to the sloppy girl's boobs and empty the contents of my balls on her bouncy breasts. My submission was followed by Kasumi farting in my face, possibly out of excitement, surprise, or potentially both. She smelled amazing and I savored the small vibrations her butt made as she continued to fart several times afterwards.
For some reason it's so unbelievably attractive the way she hides how chesty she is. One moment she's unassuming and the next when you're with her she removes her robes to reveal a body blessed with cute curves and ample assets. Even her body radiates heat and warmth from how big and horny she is. I'm utterly enamored with how she sweats as well. Seeing her sweet sweat travel down and into her private lady parts fills me with immense joy.
Thank you for the translation (I love Kasumi so much. Her sloppiness just makes her even more attractive).